Help for Classroom Teachers
On this page, you will find resources that are meant to help classroom teachers provide the most engaging and effective lesson plans for students who are still working on their English acquisition. Take your time going through this, but it is intended to be there for you year-round to address all concerns.
A Few Articles
Students with Interrupted Formal Education
If you click here, you will be taken to an article that explains how to support English Learners with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
Rights to Education
If you click here, you will be taken to an article that explains the court case which ruled that every child has a right to a free, public education
Long Term English Language Learners
Click here to read more about who Long Term English Langauge Learners are and how to support them in your classroom
Language Service Plans
Each English Learner receives a Langauge Service Plan designed to help teachers make content more accessible to English Learners. The plan looks like this image on the right and should have been handed to you by your grade-level counselor or EL teacher.
Classroom Accommodations for EL Students
Every English Learner is provided with a Language Service Plan that is meant to help them not be hindered by their language acquisition while they are still acquiring the English language. Each individual plan states different accommodations that the student is allowed to receive in the classroom. Not every accommodation is necessary; if you believe that a certain accommodation is not working, you may simply try to use another.
If you would like to know what these accommodations are, please ask and I will provide you with a copy of your student's LSP (Language Service Plan). The most important accommodation to know about is reduced and/or modified assignments. Your student can be receiving less work, as long as they are still receiving meaningful content.
Useful Websites:
If you ever believe your EL is learning to speak too slowly, please take a look at the timeline below.
The timeline shows the average language acquisition process of a second language learner compared to a baby. The top line is the acquisition process of a baby, while the bottom line is a the process of a second language learner.
Use These Files
The following files are meant to be user-friendly tools that allow you to create lesson plans that are accessible to all students, including English Learners with exceptionalities.
Curriculum Adaptations
This section contains multiple documents for the ELPA21 website (linked above) that are specific to the state of Mississippi. The first two rows contain a document for general education students on the left and a matching document for students with severe disabilities on the right. The last row contains a sample screener and the document that explains the abilities of students based on their scores on each language domain.
Video Explanations
Each video is helpful to watch in order to best serve English Langauge Learners. Not all are necessary, but each could possibly change how you serve your students.